Portugal Demographics

Population Change

July 2000: 10,048,232
July 2003: 10,102,022
July 2004: 10,524,145
July 2005: 10,566,212
July 2006: 10,605,870
July 2007: 10,642,836
July 2009: 10,707,924
July 2010: 10,735,765

    As this statistic shows, the population of Portugal has not grown in any great amount since 2000. This poses to be a problem for them, since as the country continues to develop, they are in need of an increasing amount of manpower.
    The reasons for this lack of population are the following:

-Their birth rate overall is 1.5 births per couple, which does not make up for the loss of population. to replenish the world's population, each couple is required have over 2 babies per couple, to make up for the infant mortality rate of 4.72 deaths out of 100 babies.

-Portugal does not receive many immigrants, resulting in only 250,000 of its 10,000,000 population immigrants. This results in only 0.32 % of the total population immigrants; pretty low for a country that is widely accepted as one of the most hospitable.

-Not only did Portugal receive small amounts of immigrants, but they also migrated a large part of their population to other countries. this happened during the 1970s when Portugal was still decent in the amount of people they had in the country.

-In the 1960s, Portugal experienced a huge fall in population from the sudden rise in infant mortality rate.